Our Braun 4H'rs/South Texas Marksmanship Training Center or STMTC Junior members their familiescompete in4H matcheswherever available including National Rifle Association and Texas State Rifle Association events.Annually wecompete at theAustin Rifle Clubparticipatingat the MarchMadness Annual InvitationalShoot competing in Light Rifle, Smallbore Silhouette 3 Position Rifle. We also compete at Shooting Extravaganza out at Lake Brownwood.Wedo our yearly 4H postalmatches out at Blackhawk Range for this years Light Rifle and 3 Position smallbore. District 10's3 Position smallborerifle matchis heldat the Wilson CountyFairgrounds, Floresville Texas.Some of our 4Hjuniors also hold STMTC membership and Texas State Rifle Association (membership is required) to compete and register for Service Rifle(AR, M1 Garand M1A/M14 Rifle) open sighted from 300 thru 600 yards. Somealso have competed in F-Classunder F-TR (Target Rifle) and F-Open Division out to 600 yards for midrange and 1000 yards for long range. One ofourfemale junior shooters and 4H Braunmemberis thecurrentlong range High Junior Champion (2014)inLong Range F-TR. South Texas Marksmanship Training Center is arecognized CMP affiliated organization and are thankful for their support in use of their range at Blackhawk Range. For Braun 4H we shoot Light Rifle, 3 Position smallbore rifle and Smallbore Rimfire Silhouette.Dennis Anguianoand DanielRamosare the Certified 4H Rifle Instructors. Eric Hansen isour newest addition into the coaching department.He is now our 4H Certified Pistol Coach. Again we compete in any 4H event (except shotgun)that is available that our 4H registered memberswho attend as long as they can meet their expenses on both fees and equipment and academic requirements. Safety is paramount in our4H organization and range safety violations will not be tolerated. That comes from both the ranges wecompete at andtheresponsibility of instructing our future shooters in our mission to introducing themto the shooting sports which provides a safe and wholesomeenvironment thatwhole families enjoy. If yourreally interested in what we do pleasecontact STMTCJunior Director and Braun 4H Manager Dennis Anguiano be emailat or comeby every firstThursday of the monthat7pm at the Jackson Keller Church of Christ at 311 Jackson Keller Road. during our board meeting in the fellowship hall. Here are links to some of our juniors competing inTSRAand 4H Matches.
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