4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential through working and learning in partnership with caring certified adults.Our philosophy is to be hands on in a informal setting where the participants can "Learn by Doing and Have fun while learning."Youth development is the #1 goal for our program.4-H Shooting Sports provides an outstanding venue for nurturing human growth and development in the life skills such as self-esteem decision making communications responsibility self confidence etc.The Shooting Sports Program objectives are:1.To educate the participants in natural resources to teach them about appreciation of natural resources.2.To enhance character persona growth through save educational and socially acceptable involvement in shooting activities.3.To teach safe and responsible use of firearms and archery equipment including sound decision making self-discipline and concentration.4.Promote highest standards of safety sportsmanship and ethical behavior.5.To compliment and enhance the impact of existing safety shooting and hunter educational programs.The 4-H program encourages the participants to have a fun safe experience for the whole family.
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