Conservation Kids 4-H Club is an up and growing shootingsports club with 4-H certified instructors in: Hunting and Wildlife LivingHistory Rifle Pistol Shotgun Muzzleloader Archery Steel Challenge Pistoland Rifle and Reloading (also NRA certified). We have 9 advisers and at least2 certified in each field. 2015 our club had 2 kids on the Ohio State National 4-H Teamthat went to the National Event in Nebraska one each in Pistol and Shotgun with the Rifle and Shotgun Coaches also from our club. 2016 we have 5 kids onthe team going to Nebraska: 3 for Hunting and Wildlife one each in CompoundArchery and Rifle along with the coaches for: Hunting and Wildlife Rifle andShotgun. Our club also is sponsoring a Statewide Invitational LongRange Class and Shoot in May 2016 at Thunder Valley Precision shooting out to1 000yds. We have kids for all corners of Ohio signed up. We also are veryactive in the community with events at Deerassic Park scoring for the OhioState Sporting Clay’s Championship Memorial Day and Veterans Day Parade andmuch more. We also have all the other projects for 4-H and even had the2014 Guernsey Co. Fair Grand Champion Hog. Come out and have fun learn skills for life and makefriends for a lifetime.
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