Dutchess County 4-H Shooting Sports Club


We are starting our sixth year, enrollment is ongoing and though we've expanded tenfold , NEW members are always Welcome.Our 4-H Shooting Sports program allows us to start kids as young as 8 years old, in 3rd grade, in shooting sports. Our intent, beyond what is stated below, is to grow the number of participants in our sport, and expand what we can offer for experiences to our children, perhaps creating lifelong participants. We currently have 4 4-H Club leaders and 40 members last year. 4-H Shooting Sports include the following disciplines: Rifle, Pistol, Muzzleloading, Archery, Shotgun, and Hunting Wildlife. We meet/shoot at the Dutchess County Pistol Association, 47 St. Nicholas Rd., Wappingers Falls, NY on the first Saturday from 2- 5 PM, and the fourth Sunday from 3 - 5 PM most months ( exceptions Nov., Dec., and May). Contact us for more information or to join.Club Adult Advisor Bob Bidwell - (845) 227-6286, or (914)475-0645 Cell.Objectives of 4-H Shooting Sports ProgramDevelop responsibility, sportsmanship, ethical behavior and respect for safe conduct of shooting sports activities and environmental stewardship.Gain awareness and appreciation of the broad spectrum of shooting sports and related activities as life-long leisure and career opportunities for youth and families.Develop life skills through shooting sports experiences and environmental education.To promote the safe handling of firearms in the home, on the range, and in the field with the goal to reduce firearm accidents.Develop leadership skills within 4-H parameters for youth and adults.Expand 4-H membership and involve more volunteer leaders.Provide career awareness and orientation experiences for youth and adults in outdoor education and the shooting sports.


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