The Glenford Harvesters 4-H Shooting Sports is a program thatpromotes youth development through the safe and responsible and ethical use of Archery equipment and firearms.The Glenford Harvesters 4-H Shooting Sports will utilize the National 4-H Shooting Sports curriculum to achieve the following goals:A.) To teach safe and responsible use of firearms and archery equipment including sound decision-making, self-discipline and concentration.B.) To enhance development of participant's self-concept, character and personal growth through safe, educational and socially acceptable involvement in a shooting activity.C.) To promote the highest standards of safety, sportsmanship, and ethical behavior.D.) To encourage understanding of natural resources concepts through participant's interests in shooting and hunting.E.) To expose participant's to a broad array of vocational and life-long vocational activities related to shooting sports.F.) To strengthen families through life-long recreational activities.G.) To complement and enhance the impact of existing safety and hunter education programs.The program is open to all Glenford Harvesters members as well as any other active 4-Hmembers in other clubswhich do not have shooting sports certified instructor.
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