Hubbard County4-H Shooting Sports Wildlife Program involves approximately 80young people in the following areas: archery,shotgun, air rifle, .22 Rifle, air pistol, silhouette fun shoot, and skill-a-thon. It culminates the year-long shooting and wildlife project.4-H youth in grades 3-13 who have completed 15 hours of on-line shooting under the guidance of a certified instructorand eight hours of wildlife education. This participation allows them to shoot at the state shoot.HubbardCounty has certified instructors in 4-H Shooting Sports Wildlife methodology and safety. Hubbard County 4 H Shooting Sports also works with Minnesota DNR in our area to help with the education of our youth.Cloverbuds may not participate in the state shoot. Youth who have completed the third grade as official 4-H members may participate in BB gun. Youth who have completed grade four may participate in other events as age designated.
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