Our motto is to "Learn by Doing" and therefore wehold monthly events open to all 4-H members and general public ages 9-19.Program goals are to encourage participation in naturalresources management and related natural science programs through shooting hunting and related activities enhance the development of self-concept character and personal growth through safe educational involvement in shootingactivities teach concepts that lead to the safe and responsible use offirearms including sound decision-making skills self-discipline andconcentration promote the higheststandards of safety sportsmanship and ethical behavior strengthen familiesthrough participation in lifelong recreational activities.During each of the 4-hour events safety and range commandsare reinforced participants continue to develop their shooting skills byshooting at paper targets/clay pigeons using either a shotgun or rifle. All required equipment is provided includingguns and ammunition. Shooting Sports isa family oriented event. Parents arerequired to attend and if they like can participate as either a Range SafetyOfficer assist one of our certified instructors or help with lunch preparations. In addition to hands on training workbooksare provided to document their growth development and progress.
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