Noble County 4-H has offered Archery for 28 Years:v:* {behavior:url(#default#VML)}o:* {behavior:url(#default#VML)}b:* {behavior:url(#default#VML)}.shape {behavior:url(#default#VML)}ARCHERYNo State Fair Exhibit 1. Any boy or girl in grades 3 thru 12 is eligible for this project. Divisions will be broken down into: Beginner -grades 3 4 and 5 Intermediate -grades 6 7 and 8 Advanced -grades 9 10 11 and 12. 2. Members should be interested in learning about target shooting and bow hunting skills. Members are urged to have their own bow arrows and proper safety equipment. Members may use the Archery Club equipment for the first two (2)years of enrollment but MUST have their own equipment beginning their third (3rd) year of enrollment. 3. Several meetings will be held throughout the year. Safety will be stressed at all the meetings. 4. Record books must be filled out and turned into the Extension Office on or before June 30 2017 4:00 PM to exhibit at the Fair. The project may be completed by turning records in late. 5. Members may be required to take a safety/knowledge quiz and participate in a 4-H Exhibition Shoot at the County Fair to be able to compete for awards. Members who are unable to participate in the Exhibition Shoot should display a 22"x 28" poster at the Noble County Community Fair. Refer to 4-H Poster Construction Rules on page 24 of this handbook for correct procedure on how to construct your 4-H poster.Air Rifle for 5 years:v:* {behavior:url(#default#VML)}o:* {behavior:url(#default#VML)}b:* {behavior:url(#default#VML)}.shape {behavior:url(#default#VML)}AIR RIFLENo State Fair Exhibit 1. Any boy or girl in grades 3 thru 12 is eligible for this project. Divisions will be broken down into: Beginner -grades 3 4 and 5 Intermediate -grades 6 7 and 8 Advanced -grades 9 10 11 and 12. 2. Members should be interested in learning about the safe operation of an air rifle. Members will use rifles provided by Noble County 4-H. 3. Several meetings/workshops will be held during the 4-H year. Safety will be stressed at all the meetings. 4. Record books must be filled out and turned into the Extension Office on or before June 30 2017 4:00 PM. The project may be completed by turning records in late. 5. Members may be required to take a safety/knowledge quiz to be able to compete for awards. Members may also wish to display a 22"x 28" poster at the Noble County Community Fair showing what they learned/accomplished in the 4-H Air Rifle project. Refer to 4-H Poster Construction Rules on page 24 of this handbook for correct procedure on how to construct your 4-H poster.and Muzzleloading for 4 years:v:* {behavior:url(#default#VML)}o:* {behavior:url(#default#VML)}b:* {behavior:url(#default#VML)}.shape {behavior:url(#default#VML)} 281 7772400 10058400 259 261 257 276 262 279 1 0`````````````````````` 5 False 1 0 285 282 True 1 False 0 0 0 0 -1 304800 243 3175 3175 70 True True True 278 134217728 1 3 -9999996.000000 -9999996.000000 8 Empty 6710835 10079436 14737622 13421772 128 10027110 16777215 28 Mist 22860000 22860000 (`@````````` 266 263 5 110185200 110185200 strokecolor="black [0]"> shadowcolor="#ccc [4]"/> MUZZLELOADINGOBJECTIVE: To encourage participation in natural resources and related natural science programs by exposing participants to the content through shooting hunting and related activities. To enhance development of self-concept character and personal growth through safe educational and socially acceptable involvement in shooting activity. To teach safe and responsible use of firearms including sound decision making self-discipline and concentration. To promote the highest standard of safety sportsmanship and ethical behavior. To expose participants to the broad array of vocational and life long avocational activities related to shooting sports. To strengthen families through participation in life long recreational activities. To complement and enhance the impact of existing safety shooting and hunter education programs using experimental methods and progressive development of skills and abilities. This project is designed to give 4-H’ers an opportunity to learn about muzzleloading using hands on experiences. It is highly recommended that participants complete the Hunter Education/Safety Course. This project will start after the Fair. Members will be notified of when and where. No State Fair Exhibit. Any boy or girl in grades 3 through 12 is eligible for this project. Division will be broken down into: Beginner - grades 3 4 and 5 Intermediate - grades 6 7 and 8 Advanced - grades 9 10 11 and 12. Members should be interested in learning about the safe operation of a muzzleloading rifle. Members will use rifles provided by Noble County 4-H.Workshops will be offered. Safety will be stressed at all the meetings. Members may be required to take a safety/knowledge quiz to be able to compete for awards. Members are encouraged to display a 22” x 28” poster at the Noble County Community Fair showing what they learned/accomplished in the 4-H Muzzleloading project. Refer to 4-H Poster Construction Rules on page 24 of this handbook for correct procedure on how to construct your 4-H poster.
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