The Ouachita Parish 4-H Shooting Sports Program strives to help young people their parents andadult volunteers become responsible self-directed and productive members ofsociety. Thats what 4-H is allabout! What is Shooting Sports? ShootingSports is an active program for everyone- girls boys young old experienced inexperienced urban and rural. Youdon't have to know how to shoot a Firearm- just be willing to learn. The Shooting Sports disciplines are: Archery BB/Rifle Shotgun Muzzleloader Pistol and Outdoor Skills. At this time we only have adult volunteerstrained in Shotgun Rifle and Archery but in the near future we hope to haveadult volunteers trained in other disciplines as well. The specific goals and objectives of the 4-HShooting Sports Program are:tab-stops:list .25in">Toencourage participation in natural resources and related natural scienceprograms through shooting hunting and related .25in">Toenhance development of self-concept character and personal growth throughsafe educational and socially acceptable involvement in shooting .25in">Toteach safe and responsible use of firearms and archery equipment includingsound decision making self-discipline and .25in">mso-fareast-font-family:Wingdingsmso-bidi-font-family:Wingdings">Topromote the highest standards of safety sportsmanship and ethical .25in">mso-fareast-font-family:Wingdingsmso-bidi-font-family:Wingdings">Toexpose participants to the broad array of vocational and life-long avocationalactivities related to shooting .25in">Tostrengthen families through participation in lifelong recreational .25in">To complement and enhance the impact of existingsafety shooting and hunter education programs using experiential learningmethods to promote progressive development of skills and .25in">The Ouachita Parish 4-H Shooting Sports program is family oriented therefore parents areencouraged to attend all workshops.Working together we can make this a very exciting and safe activity forall interested 4-H youth in Ouachita!Currently the program has sixteen shotgun shooters that practice on aregular basis.
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