4-H Shooting Sports is a non-profit organization and a division of thePendleton County 4-H Youth organization located in Falmouth KY.Pendleton County 4-H Shooting Sports gives the youth of our community theopportunity to come together in a safe environment and learn aboutrespect responsibility and firearms safety.They also gainhands on experience shooting firearms attending state competition and making many friends that ultimately grow into an extended family.Thedifferent disciplines we offer kids include: shotgun/trap .22 rifle and archery.Theclub meets all year long focusing onsafety being the main prerogative. In the winter months our clubleaders hold an indoor class once a month to teach kids about firearmsafety maintenance and shooting skills and techniques.Duringthe spring summer and a portion of our fall months our club meetsevery Tuesday alternating between shot/trap and .22 rifle and every other Thursday for archery.We meet at the Pendleton County Water Treatment Plant which islocated just outside of Falmouth on Ed Monroe Road.
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