Rumford Hunting & Fishing Club Junior Rifle Team

  • Address: 165 Providence Street- (Send mail to PO BOX 314)
  • City: Rehoboth
  • ZIP: 02769
  • Contact Name: William Francis
  • E-Mail:
  • Website:
Location: Tag:


The Rumford Hunting and Fishing Club Junior Rifle Team formed in August 2017 with approximately 15 kids meeting for practice every week at our range or a nearby indoor range depending on the weather since our range is outdoors. We are following and practicing the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) and NRA rules depending on the shoot and hope to compete with other local clubs following the same rules. We initially funded our youth rifle team with a $495.29 grant from the Rumford Hunting & Fishing Club which we mostly spent on ammo and targets. Other club members have been donating ammo to keep the kids shooting since we spent all our grant money (ammo is expensive). The RHFC also loaned our junior rifle team $4,642.02, which we are in the process of paying back to purchase 17 rifles that have been transferred to each kid’s family member.

Age of Participants
Approximately 11-18 years old.


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