Carroll County Long Spurs

  • Address: 5775 Riverview Road
  • City: Thomson
  • Zipcode: 61285
  • Phone: (815) 238-0414
  • E-Mail:
  • Website:


We are a SCTP shooting team with 30-46 kids from 8-18 years old. We have been a very competitive and have a strong history of state and national championships. We practice twice a week with all members shooting a minimum of 5 rounds of trap per week starting the last week or March or first week of April. Our club has NRA certified coaches and were part of the base group that participated in the beginning of SCTP. We shoot approximately 50 000- 84 000 shells each year from April to the end of July. Our annual expenses range from $30 000 to $45 000.(depends on # of participants) All funds are raised from members having fund raisers donations and grants from organizations such as Pheasants Forever and NRA.


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