Lamar County 4-H

  • Address: 4315 Bonham Street Suite A
  • City: Paris
  • ZIP: 75460
  • Phone: 9037372443
  • E-Mail:
  • Website:


The Lamar County 4-H Shooting Sports Club is one of our largest projects with the most participation. The three main projects in the Shooting Sports club that our youth are involved in are Rifle, Shotgun and Archery. As with any project there are rules and guidelines that must be followed and is especially true for this project. Lamar County has six certified shooting sports coaches who take pride in working with our youth ensuring they learn proper safety and handling whether they are on a range, at a competition or out hunting with their family all the while still having fun. Lamar County takes pride in educating our youth in activities that are enjoyable, socially acceptable, mentally and physically challenging and useful in building character.

Age of Participants
Ages 9 - 18


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