Lancaster Trap Team

  • Address: 1 Forton Drive
  • City: Lancaster
  • ZIP: 14086
  • Contact Name: Michael Gembar
  • Phone: 7166863220
  • E-Mail:
  • Website:
Location: Tag:


The Lancaster Trap team has partnered with West Falls Conservation Society for the 2020 New York State High School Clay Target League. The League’s success is dependent on the trust it instills in every student athlete, coach, shooting range member, parent, and school official. The assured reliance on character, ability, and truthfulness for each person will create an entrusted safe environment that everyone will enjoy.


Any student athlete is eligible to participate if he/she:

Is 12 years old as of March 20th 2020, AND
In grade six through twelve, AND
Has completed a League-approved firearm safety certification program, AND
Meets all school curricular activity eligibility requirements, AND
Complies with the League’s Policies & Procedures, AND
If the team has the capacity to accommodate the student
* *The NYSHSCTL is gender complaint under Title IX and has Adaptive integration- Special need student athletes may utilize coach assistance and/or apparatuses at any time while shooting.

Age of Participants


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