Our club is 100% volunteers.Our youth programteaches instructs youthsfrom the ages of 10 to 17 years of agefor free. We instruct teachgun safety and how to handle and shoot shotguns at clay targets.Our program is every Monday Night (unless falls on a holiday). Our program has been running for approximately 10 years. Our instructors are NRA Certified Instructors and Range Officers. We average approximately 24 youth every Monday night. Our club offers 12ga and 20ga shotguns to borrow if the youths do not have one of their own. Theyouths do have to pay for ammo and the targets but again weteach and instruct for free.This is a county run facility in BrowardCounty but we are a private club on the grounds of the shooting range.We work very close with the county to be able to offer this program toany youth wanting to learn to shoot. We have very dedicated volunteers who love the sport of shooting.
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