This is a University of Illinois sports club focusing on the clay target sports and although we welcome any student faculty or staff member we currently have only student members. We have been in existence since 1982.We shoot at the St. Joseph Sportsman's Club every Saturday morning during the academic year. They are very supportive of our program. The St. JoeClub has onlytrap and skeet but students regularly visit sporting clays courses in the area.Each year wesend a team toregional and national competitions but the majority of our members shoot just for recreation. For the past several years we have had over 100 students participate each year.Some have never shot a gun of any kind before. Out of these there are about 30 - 40 that show up on a regular basis and shoot. Over the years we have acquired about 25 guns mostly gas operated 12 and 20gauge (Remington and Beretta) andalso have shootingvests safety glasses and hearing protection available. We purchase shells in bulk and sell them to students at cost.
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