Wm E. Taylor Division of theUnited States Naval Sea Cadet Corps trains qualified youths, aged ten to eighteen, who are interested in learning about ourNavy, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Merchant Marine.We are a training unitwhich drills one weekend per month, twelve months per year, and which providesmany opportunities for Cadets to train with and to work with regular andreserve USN, USCG, USMC personnel at summer Advanced Trainings.The summer training sequence is (1) an introductory Boot Camp, (2)a USCG Station, then (3) a USCG boat or one of the NSCCschools: Leadership, Airman, MAA, SEAL, Flight,HospitalCorpsman, Constructionman, Music, Submarine, or billets with USN ships,DoD and DoHS shore facilities, etcetera.Please stand apprised that post-boot advanced non-school ATs involveworking in the presence of all associated hazards. Marksmanship training involves .22 targetfirearms and US, Allied, standard serviceweapons.Cadets are notobligated to serve in the armed forces, but may enlist at an advanced paygrade(up to E3) when qualified. You toomay be able to qualify, right out of High School, for a NAVY or COAST GUARDboot camp with a guaranteed school and $1,805 per month pay tostart! Ask about the Montgomery G. I.Bill, which provides a large part of trade school or college tuition to everyveteran with an Honorable Discharge!An applicant MUST (1) be aUnited States citizen (2) speak, read, and write inEnglish (3)be ten years of age or older (4) bepassing in school (in a regular or in an advanced program)(5) never have been arrested (6)present a U.S. Birth Certificate (or naturalization papers) and a Social Security card (7) have parental (or legal guardians) approval (8)interview for a billet (9) be interested in learning and (10)be committed to performing to the highest standards.
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