Iowa YHEC-the Youth Hunter Education Challenge-is a weekend-long event that takes place each June. This year the event will be held at Wesley Woods Camp near Indianola. Youth from all over Iowa come to compete in 8 events learn about the outdoors and have fun with other youth and adults that have similar interests. The events include four shooting events (archery muzzleloading rifle shotgun and small-bore rifle) and four non-shooting events (wildlife identification orienteering hunter safety trail and written exam). Most youth compete as part of a team of five from their area but youth can register as individuals as well. There are two age categories Junior (ages 12-14) and Senior (ages 15-18).If you're a youth aged 12-18 years have passed a Hunter Education course and are an Iowa resident you can register to participate. (Register by the start of May). If you're an adult there are several ways you can participate. If you are a Hunter Education Instructor or 4-H Shooting Sports instructor you can put together a team of youth from your area coach them and bring them to the event. You may serve as a coach or an assistant coach. You may volunteer to help put on the event: it takes nearly 50 adult volunteers to set up and conduct all the events! You may have a special skill to demonstrate to the youth participants during an evening or other program time. (For example hunting dog training trapping care of game in the field etc.)
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