Adopted byIowa in 2006 The Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) isnationally recognized team-based clay target shooting program that is changingthe lives of elementary middle and high school students nation-wide and inIowa. Through organized clay targetshooting kids are learning lifelong skills such as gun safety teamwork respect for self and others mental focus and self-discipline.Sponsored bythe Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation and the national governing bodies ofeach sport the SCTP has 10 000 participants nationwide. Iowa continues to be a leader in youthshooting sports with nearly 3 200 athletes registered with the Scholastic Clay Target Programrepresenting 113 teams. These teams areled by certified coaches practices are conducted and local matches are heldwith neighboring teams. All of theseactivities lead up to the State Championship Series each summer.The Scholastic Action Shooting Program embodiesaccuracy and speed shooting using rimfire and centerfire handguns and rimfirerifles. Athletes shoot four differentstages of steel targets for a timed score. Student athletes aged 12 throughcollege can compete in the rifle program and atheletes age 14 through collegecan compete in the pistol program. All ScholasticAction Shooting Program activities incorporate two indispensable elements --SAFETY AND FUN. Safety is incorporated into every aspect of shooting sportsactivities. The learning environment at team practices and at competitiveshoots is designed to include the element of FUN for all participants. Studentathletes learn the safe and responsible handling and use of pistols and rifles.They discover the joy of contributing to a shared team goal and the commitmentthat goes along with it. During this self-discovery process team membersdevelop proficiency in a sport that can be shared and enjoyed with family andfriends for a lifetime.
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