Southland Christian Ministries

  • Address: 3555 hwy 371 RINGGOLD
  • City: Ringgold
  • Zipcode: 71068
  • Phone: 318-894-9154
  • E-Mail:
  • Website:


Southland Christian Ministries operates as a year round camp and retreat facility.During our events we offer several ranges for instructional shooting.We have a short range for handguns and 22 caliber.We have a 100 yard range for larger caliber center-fire.We also have a skeet shooting Range. At these ranges we have opportunity to instruct young people in the proper use and safety offirearms.Some of these young people have never had the opportunity to shoot any type of firearm and it is a privilege to be able to instruct them and to show them how much enjoyment can be had from having shooting as a hobby.


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